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LIMIT 0, 9
Hotels and Location for meeting and events in Liguria
A wonderful strip of land enclosed between the sea and the mountains, with pastel-colored houses and breathtaking views. Liguria has luxuriant unspoiled nature, with many small towns to discover and an incomparable culinary tradition.
Hotel Lungomare Stati Uniti, 2 - 16011 - Arenzano (GE)
4 Meeting rooms
4 - 200 People
109 Rooms
From €
Grand Hotel in Arenzano nestled in the heart of the Ligurian Riviera has 109 rooms and a conference center consisting of a 220 m2 plenary room and four naturally lit sub-rooms.
Available for breakfasts and business lunches are the elegant La Veranda restaurant, a large terrace and the Maraja pool bar.