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Location for meeting and events in Sicily
Sicily is a postcard island characterized by the indelible marks of the peoples who have lived it and made it unique, among artistic and cultural testimonies of enormous value. A predominantly hilly and mountainous area, but which conquers the heart with its wonderful sea and the cities full of a charm of their own.
Hotel Via Vittorio Emanuele 291 - 90133 - Palermo (PA)
1 Meeting rooms
1 - 100 People
143 Rooms
From €
The B&B Hotels Hotel Palermo Quattro Canti is a 3-star hotel located in the heart of the historic center of the city of Palermo, in the Loggia district. Located along Via Vittorio Emanuele, the hotel is just a few meters from the Quattro Canti and the church of San Giuseppe. On the top floor of the building, a typical Sicilian restaurant and a splendid terrace are available to all guests, offering an exclusive view of the characteristic Piazza Pretoria and the roofs of the historic center of Palermo, where you can dine or enjoy a moment of relaxation surrounded with an evocative atmosphere.
Resort Località Santa Lucia - Cefalù - 90015 - Palermo (PA)
3 Meeting rooms
42 - 143 People
From €
Our first Exclusive Collection Resort in the Mediterranean opened in 2018 on the historic site of Cefalù. Located at the top of the cliffs, with a breathtaking view of the bay of Cefalù, you will admire the charm of this fabulous Resort which offers the best Premium All Inclusive service